A Quick Guide to Dry Mouth

Woman Drinking Water

If you suspect that you suffer from dry mouth, you’ll find that discovering some hard facts about this common problem helps you to put together a practical plan of action. There are ways to relieve this condition and those who utilize the right treatments often experience dramatic improvements.

Without further ado, let’s discuss dry mouth and how to deal with it.

What Is Dry Mouth, Anyway?

Dry mouth (known medically as xerostomia) isn’t complex or hard to explain. It’s just the feeling that the inside of the mouth is dry. Dry mouth can be chronic, or occasional. This is due to low saliva production. Dry mouth causes some issues, some or all of which may be affecting you. For example, you may find that it’s harder to enjoy food, as a dry mouth condition may make it more difficult to taste, chew and swallow. Some people even have trouble talking when their mouths are very dry. Common symptoms of dry mouth include a dry feeling in the mouth/tongue/throat, cracked lips, a burning feeling, or mouth sores.

Common Causes of Dry Mouth

An occasional instance of dry mouth is likely just caused by dehydration. If dry mouth is recurrent or persistent, the cause may be more concerning. Dry mouth is often a side effect of medications that lower saliva production in the salivary glands. For example medicines that treat high blood pressure and depression have dry mouth as a common side effect. Dry mouth is also linked to some diseases, like diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. Dry mouth may be a side effect of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or could be linked to nerve damage.

The Risks of Dry Mouth

As well, if you have dry mouth, you’re at risk for dental decay and other oral hygiene-related problems. A dry mouth isn’t a healthy environment and having dry mouth sets the stage for a host of oral infections. While you may not get a mouth infection due to dry mouth, chances are higher than you will, so it’s important to get help. There are ways to improve this condition.

In some cases, an underlying health condition causes dry mouth. So, visiting your family doctor may be the smartest way to rule out any underlying health problem. If there is an issue, a doctor may be able to alleviate your dry mouth symptoms by treating that issue. As well, you should know that dry mouth may be triggered by particular medications or medical treatments.

Some people assume that dry mouth is just a part of getting older. This isn’t actually the case. Seeing a doctor and dentist will help you to take better care of yourself. Both types of professionals have a lot of strategies for helping their patients to combat dry mouth.

How to Treat Dry Mouth

If you’re tired of having a dry and sticky sensation inside of your mouth and you want to alleviate all of the most common symptoms of dry mouth, including dry lips, a dried-out tongue and a burning sensation inside of the mouth, do be sure that you’re properly hydrated. It’s possible that you’re not drinking enough water and this is something that is easy to change. As well, try not to indulge in caffeine as it’s naturally drying. Alcohol and cigarettes may also cause or exacerbate this condition.

There are mouthwashes and toothpastes that help to moisten the mouth. Trying these may help you to enjoy a moister mouth daily. Speak with your dentist for recommendations about the right products for you.

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