The Difference Between a Root Canal and a Cavity 


Are you experiencing some sensations with your tooth and wondering if it’s a root canal or cavity? Having symptoms of tenderness or pain should always be inspected by your dentist to determine the exact cause and to prevent any damage from occurring. But in the meantime, here is a brief breakdown of the difference between a root canal and a cavity.

Cavities – Causes & Symptoms

Many people can experience cavities multiple times throughout their lives. In fact, it’s one of the most common conditions that we see at the dentist clinic. Cavities are caused by a buildup of plaque along the tooth and gum line. As bacteria react with the plaque, this eventually causes the tooth enamel to decay, leaving grooves and eventually holes in the surface of the tooth. This is what causes sensitivity and pain when eating certain foods.


To treat a cavity, your dentist will apply a filling, which is a quick and simple treatment. Patients who are getting a filling will be given a local anesthetic in the areas around the filling to numb the gums and tissue. Once this has taken effect, the dentist will then clean out the cavity before covering the area with composite.

Root Canal – Causes & Symptoms

When plaque is left to fester in the mouth for a long period of time, eventually it can cause severe decay in your teeth. At this stage, a filling may not be practical for the amount of damage that’s present, at which point a root canal will be necessary. Root canals are essentially, the next step for repairing extensive damage and relieving pain.


When a tooth has decayed to a point where bacteria can reach the inner pulp and nerve endings, more intense pain can result. The dentist will work to clear away that bacteria, repair damaged tissue and protect it from further decay. Then they’ll finish it off with a crown or bonding to make it look aesthetically pleasing with your natural teeth.

Are you concerned about a noticeable aching pain in your mouth? Contact us today at The Teal Umbrella. Our team will be happy to set you up with one of our dentists so they can have a look and determine the best course of action to protect your oral health. Reach out to us today!

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