Benefits of Using iTero™ Digital Scanner

Benefits of Using iTero™ Digital Scanner


Dental and orthodontic procedures are often limited by technology. Improper crown and mouth guard fits, prosthetic devices that don’t quite match the bite of a patient and cumbersome molds are just a few problems that this limitation creates.

Advances in technology are allowing dentists to provide a new level of quality in their work.

Technology like the iTero™ scanner represents one of the most essential tools needed for any professional dealing with oral restoration.

What Does the iTero™ Scanner Do?

iTero-Digital Scanner

The iTero™ Intraoral Scanner is designed to make the process of measuring a patient’s mouth easier and more comfortable than ever before while offering a significantly higher degree of precision.

The scanner's wand employs incredibly precise imaging technology capable of capturing even the smallest details about a patient’s mouth. This occurs without the need for cumbersome impressions or movement of the patient’s mouth.

Why Use the iTero™ Scanner Over Traditional Methods?

Traditional methods of creating an impression require the use of cumbersome machines or impressions taken with material that gradually hardens. The problem with both of these methods is that patients tend to feel uncomfortable in these situations. This can dramatically alter the results of these impressions.

This can make everything from mouth guards to braces fit incorrectly, which can have long-term effects on a patient’s skeletal structure.

The iTero™ scanner doesn’t have these problems. It allows for a free impression of the patient’s mouth that automatically accounts for many of the deviations that tend to present themselves with other imaging techniques.

This allows for impressions that:

Are more accurate than other methods can provide.
Tend to be faster to record.
Are less prone to errors.
Require fewer retakes than other methods.
Create more accurate prosthetic devices that require less fine tuning.
Can be used to create devices faster due to the lack of needed modeling.
Tend to allow for a higher degree of comfort to the patient and care provider.

The iTero™ Scanner: Bringing a New Level of Quality to the Patient

The iTero™ scanner allows for dentists and other oral care providers to give their patients significantly more accurate and comfortable work. It makes appointments faster and reduces the amount of error encountered during the creation of devices made to fit in a patient’s mouth.

This means the iTero™ scanner represents a new level of quality when it comes to taking tooth impressions.

This allows for a higher degree of care that lasts longer, which ultimately benefits the patient and the care provider.

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