We offer the perfect solutions for damaged and missing teeth that will enhance the physical appearance and functionality of your smile. Our porcelain crowns and bridges can improve the health of your smile and mouth.
Do you have a damaged, cracked or weakened tooth? A porcelain crown can help restore the tooth to its original appearance. By placing a porcelain cap over the existing tooth, we can add more structure that will prevent any further damage. Why porcelain? Because it’s incredibly strong and can be made to match the surrounding teeth perfectly. Additional benefits include:
Our porcelain bridges are designed to close in any gaps and improve the overall health of your smile. They are better looking than traditional bridges that are supported by metal and are also stronger, making them a great alternative to dental implants. We can even perfectly match the colour of your surrounding teeth, creating a more natural look. Additional benefits include:
If you have a number of gaps in your smile or numerous teeth that need fixing, we can combine a number of solutions to give you the results you need. Our team can transform your teeth to give you the attractive smile you’ve always wanted.
Your safety and comfort are our top priorities. We will ensure that your experience is a positive one every time. If you are afraid or anxious about your appointment, we will listen to your concerns and take the necessary steps to help you feel more at ease. We also offer sedation therapy that can help you relax even further.
Our team at The Teal Umbrella is here to make sure you look your best through a variety of advanced cosmetic dentistry solutions. With porcelain crowns to repair a tooth and porcelain bridges to fix gaps, we have the treatment you need to create a more natural, healthy-looking smile.
For more information contact us now! Or if you’re ready to book an appointment, click here.