Why Do My Gums Hurt?

Gum aches can be a nuisance, especially when they hinder your ability to consume the foods that you love. Sometimes, it’s just a simple passing ache from perhaps a piece of food getting lodged between your teeth, but other times it can be a condition that needs professional dental care. If you are experiencing prolonged gum pain seek a specialist immediately, but first read up on what may be causing it below.

Plaque And Bacteria

A common but not serious cause of gum pain is plaque and bacteria. When food and plaque enter the gum line, your gums can ache, become inflamed, and even bleed. Proper oral hygiene – brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits, can usually get rid of the plaque buildup and relieve your gums.


When plaque builds up on your teeth, it releases acid that can attack your tooth enamel and cause a hardening effect called tartar. When tartar forms on the gum line it can cause swelling, bleeding, and inflammation of the gums known as Gingivitis. Most cases are treatable and reversible, but if left unattended it can lead to gum disease.

Gum Disease

If Gingivitis is left to grow and spread, you can develop painful gum disease. Your gums will begin to loosen, causing great pain and even the loss of teeth. To cure it, you need to seek a more aggressive treatment plan from your dentist.


Your gum pain may also be caused by an infection in the gums called Periodontitis. If not treated, the gums can start to pull away from your teeth, making your teeth look elongated and causing immense pain.

Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers could also be why your gums hurt. These open sores and lesions can cause bleeding gums as well as jaw swelling.

Impacted Teeth And Wisdom Teeth

An impacted tooth is a tooth that does not erupt and is retained under the gum line. Your wisdom teeth are frequently impacted because they are normally the last to break through your oral cavity. Having an impacted tooth can cause gum pain, but also can impact the teeth adjacent to it, causing inflammation and often Periodontitis.

Food Allergies

Believe it or not, some food allergies can cause swelling, tingling and itching in your mouth that can also include sore gums. Talking to your doctor or getting a food sensitivity test may help uncover the allergy and help relieve your gums.

Intensive Brushing

Sometimes it’s just that you’re brushing too intensely or using a toothbrush that is too hard for your gums. Talk to your dentist who can set you up with the right oral gear.

You don’t have to suffer from gum aches, talk to us today to pinpoint the reason and treatment for relieving your sore gums.

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