
invisalign dentist in Ottawa

Is Invisalign Right for You?

At The Teal Umbrella, your dentist in Ottawa, we offer Invisalign as a low-profile option for correcting orthodontic problems. The time when getting braces meant spending…

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emergency dentistry Nepean Ottawa

When Should You Go See an Emergency Dentist?

Reviewed by Dr. Sheema Samarrae HAVING A PLAN already in place can make a huge difference if you ever need to see an emergency dentist in…

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Ottawa dentist Invisalign should I get invisalign or braces

Should I Get Invisalign Or Braces From My Ottawa Dentist?

Reviewed by Dr. Sheema Samarrae IF YOU’RE CONSIDERING getting orthodontic treatment from your Ottawa dentist, you might be wondering whether braces or Invisalign is the right…

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invisalign ottowa dentist

Invisalign and Beautiful Straight Smiles

Reviewed by Dr. Sheema Samarrae THE TIME WHEN getting braces meant spending years with a mouth full of metal hooked to bulky headgear is long past…

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